Surviving on a Toxic Planet: The Ultimate Challenge for Humanity

Surviving on a Toxic Planet: The Ultimate Challenge for Humanity

- : How to survive on a toxic planet, Terraforming techniques, Space colonization challenges

Picture this – waking up every morning with certainty that the air around is toxic, lethal to one’s life. Each breath risks life; what kind of life it holds nobody can tell. At least every time you breathe out, you are reminded that your planet is not going to allow you to breathe in. In a word what will you do to stay alive when a planet is actively trying to kill you?

The Deadly Atmosphere of Xylophia-IV

Xylophia-IV is another planet of the same size of Earth but the atmospheric conditions for Human beings are lethal. It contains some of the most lethal gases such as sulphur oxidan, nitrogen oxidan and hydrogen cyanid. Precisely how to delay death to a snail’s pace and make it painfully lingering.

By the name of the song itself one can infer depressive suicidal and/or aggressive air which is quite typical for atmosphere of Xylophia-IV.

The Effects of Toxic Air on the Human Body

The atmosphere in Xylophia-IV was toxic to your health and, every breath you took on that planet would scar your lungs, mutilate your DNA, and have you choking to death. Your body’s flesh would cry for oxygen but the air would not grant it. The effects of toxic air on the human body are devastating:Respiratory issues The effect of different exposures on idling fire fighter respiratory rates, pre test and post test Mb, Sp, and Hc levels were also measured as well as Sc and Mg levels.

  • DNA mutations
  • Organ failure
  • Death    

Survival Strategies: Cheating Death on a Toxic Planet

When a person is dying and yet cheated out of it, then he/she is actually living on a toxic planated world/earth.

If people were to be placed on Xylophia-IV, they had to look for ways of trying to conquer death. From highly-sophisticated gas masks all the way to Pressurized biodomes filled with oxygen, the choices are not many but the desire to survive is infinite. Some possible survival strategies include: Some possible survival strategies include

  • Gas masks: Safeguarding customer particular breathers against toxic gases
  • Oxygen tanks: Providing oxygen for more than a few minutes
  • Biodomes: Designing oxygenated environment to sustain human beings    
  •   Terraforming: A rather fascinating idea for changing the atmospheric envelope of the Earth with the aim of using it as atmosphere by beings.

Terraforming: The final gamble with human existence There can be no greater reflexive risk to humanity than the one the global community is taking right now.

Terraforming: The Ultimate Gamble for Humanity

Terraforming is the biggest shot at the wall that humanity can ever take. We could, for example, release oxygen producing microorganisms or use hi-tech to filter air making Xylophia-IV an oxygenated planet. But at what cost? There are certain risks associated with the process of terraforming and in case of a failure, the faulty results can be disastrous.


It’s a nightmare to live on a toxic planet but it is also a challenge. One must ask what one would do, as a sustenance resource, in Xylophia-IV.? Feel free to leave your comments in the comment section below. For the survival of the human race maybe even for the existence of the planet, it could be as crucial.


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